Trail Status  and Condition


Thanks To Ourt Sponsors

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SA quick trail update, yes we have finally gotten some snow too bad it is much too late.  I have noticed that many clubs in our area have closed the GIA trails due to unsafe ice conditions in the swamps and the creek crossings.  We also have many swamps and creek crossings so we will not be doing anything in regards to grooming.  

Technically our trails are still open until April 1st however we have already received notice from riders that some gates have already been shut on private land and I ask you to respect the landowners right to do this.   A quick rip down a closed trail could result in no trail next year. With the soft ground conditions under the snow agricultural land can easily be damaged.  Please use caution if you do so choose to ride.  I do believe that the Soo line, Munger, and Nemadji trail systems are open for snowmobile traffic.  Thank you everyone for your understanding in this unusual winter season we have had.


I would also like to remind our Landowners and club members who may be reading this that the Landowner and club member appreciation dinner is coming up fast.  Saturday April 6th at 4:30 pm is the social hour and 5:30 is dinner please RSVP Troy or Seth to ensure enough food will be available.


Thank you


Troy Johnson


Seth Koivisto



We are 100% volunteer ran organization and enjoy doing work on something we love doing and have a lot of fun doing it. If you like snowmobiling, like our trails, like our area and looking for something to do visit our member site to join us.  Or just show up to one of our events.

Stay On The Trails. If you abuse it we will lose it. Our trails would not exist without the gracious support from land owners willing to give us access on their land. Stay on the trails and absolutely Do Not Trespass.  Where you go will leave a trail so keep it on the trail.

New to the area looking for places to eat, park, stay we have you covered

Want to sign up to be a member or get some Cromwell Sno-gopher apparel. Visit this link to fill out a membership contact form and see what apparel we have and place an order.

Are you new to snowmobiling and want to know a little bit about the machines and the  sport. Visit this link to get some basic information and find some useful links

You may have heard the term its their M.O., well we have an M.O. or Modus Operandi. We don't want to be your ordinary club and that's why we don't have a code of ethics or snowmobiler code. We have a M.O. that defines our key core values in simple terms on how we want to operate and act. These statements should really just be reinforcments of who we already are and how we act.